We Do Do Layaway!

Sometimes admirers of the pistols, holsters and other stuff we make want to purchase now but cannot afford to do so at the time they decide to buy. And for some time we have been accommodating them informally by allowing them to "do layaway" with us. We have done this for folks wanting to purchase the original PSA-25 GR4000 model (about $1300) to those folks wanting to acquire a matched pair of Renaissances (about $9000) - and even for fancy holsters and suppressors.

We have now formalized the process. And it goes like this:

Put up 10% of the invoice value (not less than $1000) of your purchase using a debit or credit card, personal check or money order. We will then build and serialize your pistol and set it aside in our safe under your designated dealer's name (naming you as beneficial owner). You can also include non-pistol items like holsters, suppressors and magazines in a layaway. 

Pay off the invoice not earlier than 30 days nor longer than 12 months from the date you ordered from us. We will then ship your pistol to your designated dealer (which you may change at any time). Any additional non-pistol gear ordered from us will be shipped to your home address. Make payments in any amount, at any time, by debit or credit card, personal check and/or money order. If you decide you want a different pistol model and/or accessories, no problem. Just let us know. We will modify your order and generate a new invoice for you. If you decide to cancel your purchase with us, we will refund all the money we have collected from you by check and/or money order. Any payments you made to us by debit and/or credit card are subject to a 5.0% fee (because we paid this money to your debit or credit card issuer and cannot get it back if you cancel).

We hope this approach to acquiring a PSA-25 pistol (and/or supporting gear) will meet with your approval. Call us to today to get the process rolling! it has worked out just fine for many folks already.